Ok, this is the way how to set up database in server. If in your server have database already and you try to create a new one, please back up your database or do 'full backup' for security reason.
Login as admin on your website. Normally if your url http://www.contoh.net just put /cpanel behind the url. Example: http://www.contoh.net/cpanel
Put your username & password to login as admin or owner of hosting. When we buy a hosting, provider will give you a username & password. If forgot, please refer your server provider for help.
You are now in admin mode (cpanel). Click on "MySQL Database" icon.
1. Create new database: Put database name after that click on "create database" button.
2. Create user: Put your username & password, click on "create user" button.
3. Add user to database: Select user you created new before & new database you just created. Click on "add user to database" button.
picture 1
Picture 2
After finish, your new database & username will show as picture above.
Goto PhpMyAdmin and you will see your new database ready to use.
request by trojan